Frequently Asked Questions


Will therapy help?

Though therapy doesn’t come with a guaranteed result, many people experience benefits from the therapy process. Results you might imagine from therapy include:

  • Relief from anxiety, depression, and chronic worry;

  • Resolution of trauma or old memories that affect your current life;

  • Clarity about what you truly want versus what you think you should want and the courage to make any big decisions you might be facing;

  • More connection and greater ease in your relationships, especially when it comes to effectively communicating and navigating differences with loved ones;

  • Freedom from self-sabotaging behaviors and addictions; 

  • A genuine sense of feeling comfortable in your own skin and increased ability to navigate body image issues;

  • An increased capacity to resiliently handle the inevitable tough stuff of life;

  • Ability to finally move forward after big losses;

  • An everyday life that includes more serenity, more joy, and an increased sense of aliveness. A life that, instead of looking good on the outside, actually feels good on the inside.

How long is a therapy session?

The standard session is 50 minutes in. length. Occasionally, a client will book a double session of 100 min if they are experiencing a crisis or acute stress in their lives that week. Sometimes EMDR, couples counseling, or family therapy might need additional time for a session, but this will be discussed and scheduled prior to the appointment as part of a treatment plan. 

Are there times when virtual therapy isn’t the right approach?

Providers feel differently about this and this can be discussed individually. However, EMDR therapy provided by Katrina Harris, LMFT or any other C3 team member will be conducted in person only at this time. 

Do you accept insurance?

C3 does not participate with any health insurance plans, however, some services might be reimbursed through a PPO type plan with out of network benefits.

What if I'm not sure if therapy is for me?

No worries! We provide a complementary phone consultation to help us understand your particular goals and challenges so we can strategize together about what might be the best fit for you. If we provide a service that can help you live your best life, we will figure out a time to collaborate. If we don’t offer what you need, we can try to help you find someone that does. 

What happens during the first session?

The initial session is for you to start to share your story, to talk about your goals and what you would like to change. There is a bit of paperwork that can be done before your first session to save time once we meet. You will be sent a link in an email prior to your first appointment that provides private access to the documents through a secure online client portal. 

Do I have to have special equipment for video counseling?

No! You can use a laptop, desktop, or even a smart phone for online counseling, therapy, or caching sessions. When you set up your account through the online client portal, which can be done simply through a link sent in your initial email, you are given access to a free, private, and secure (HIPPA compliant) platform where virtual counseling, coaching, or therapy can be held. 

Is meeting virtually as effective as meeting in person?

It certainly can be! Whether you are in person or video conferencing, the biggest single component to effective work is your relationship with your provider. Sometimes coaching needs to take place during a busy work day at lunch or while traveling, and a virtual space provides this ability. Often, therapy is needed by a new mom who can’t make it into the office with a newborn or toddler, so virtual therapy makes this possible. Working with clients in different places, such as a family member who lives afar, can be done with a virtual platform. Chronic pain, physical limitations, or travel distance can create challenges to in office visits as well. Our mission is to help remove any barriers to living your best life and this includes limiting counseling, coaching, or therapy to a consultation room.