Brandon Brickley


Interventions, Counseling and Family Support

My passion is to help families and youth uncover who they are, discover God’s heart, and LOVE others where they are. I believe this will lead to the “restoration of all things” that the Bible talks about.

I had the honor of being the youth pastor at Mountain View Church for almost 15 years and over that time span there were thousands of students that came through the ministry. I have seen and learned a lot about the youth over those years and there are a few things I know to be true. Kids want to belong. Kids want to be seen. Kids want to be significant. Nothing else will impact these things more than you, the parents.

Another thing I know to be true, is that you weren’t meant to do it on your own. You have heard “it takes a village to raise a child”, and this is true. You need a village. A tribe. A crew. A circle . . . a community.

Hopefully this is where I come in! Either through direct services or by connecting you to the people that can meet your family’s needs, I am here to help.

 At Collaborative Care Counseling, I don’t want to just do fun activities; I want to roll up my sleeves and join you in the trenches. Parenting can feel like a battle, and let’s be honest, it can feel like a battle we are losing sometimes. We are here with you. We are fighting for your child and your family. Fighting alongside you. Fighting with prayer. Fighting with truth. We want people to belong, to be seen and to find their place in this world.

If you or your family needs support, please reach out and let us know how we can help.